Sharing the Dreams

People are dreaming about Barack Obama. Because his presidency affects us on a collective level, individual dreams about him can reflect various aspects of collective awareness.

This blog is a collaborative gathering of dreams that contain Obama as a figure in the narrative or as an image. I will post the dreams here anonymously, without my comments, where they can be viewed as expressions of the collective world psyche.

The intention with this collection is not to analyze individual dreams, but rather to let the nature of each dream speak for itself as part of the world psyche. As we listen, we can bring individual voices into greater collective consciousness.

You can participate in this blog in several ways:

SHARE your dream: email to me at

Write your dream as if it is happening right now (present tense). Include:
date (when you had the dream)
location (where you were sleeping when you had the dream)
your age (in current waking-life)

READ the dreams here: simply scroll down this page or subscribe to the posts.

TELL others about the Dreams With Obama blog.

ENCOURAGE others to participate.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

June 2008; Kansas City, KS, Age 35

Set: Old one story Motel with a coffee shop next door, picnic tables in front and a caretaker’s apartment. It is worn and out of date.

Cast: PL: old flame, HW and FM: Friends, FR: Partner

PL is in town and we are eating outside at picnic tables and sitting with two strangers. One mentioned at the end that she knew my mom and I am worried she will tell my mom that PL was with me. HW and FM show up and I’m happy to see them, but tell them as we all go into my apartment that I need to talk to PL. They leave. PL goes to the bedroom area and I go in too. But I worry about FR walking in and worry that I’m about to break my word.

Something happens outside and we go out. Barack Obama is there stopping at the coffee shop. I ask if I can talk to him. PL is off talking to someone else so I take Barack into the motel and he goes back to the bedroom. I think “Hell yeah!” and go lay down with him. He kisses me with a really wet, thin lipped, all teeth, not very good kiss. I am not there for kissing so I start to take my clothes off. I worry again about FR walking in the room and I say so. He says, “No one can get in right now.” I look at him questioningly. “The boys wont let anyone in,” he says and points towards the window. I move the blinds and see all these Secret Service men around the coffee shop. I freak out realizing ALL these people are watching the apartment and I’ve just moved the bedroom blinds.

Now Barack is gone and I’m with PL who has to go now because Barack is leaving and SHE’S HIS ASSISTANT!” As she’s going I say, “He’s not a very good kisser”. Her head snaps up and says, “You kissed Barack?! …Interesting.”

~ end of dream

February 9, 2009; Lake Isabella, CA; Age 35

Barack is in town and I really want to meet him, hug him, and tell him I love and admire him. I can’t get close enough, but then somehow he is giving my dad a ride somewhere in his big Lincoln Navigator so I say, “Bye, Mr. President, I love you…Dad.”

Friday, March 6, 2009

February 5, 2009; Somis, CA; Age 52

A tall, thin black man and I agree that I will help him care for his young daughters by taking them out for the evening. He gives me his credit card as they are putting on their warm coats, hats, and gloves.

Sometime later, the man sits at our table, reviewing his credit card statement. The girls play in the background. My husband and I feel apprehensive, wondering if he'll be okay with how we've spent his money for the evening with his daughters. "Food, clothes. . . " he says. These items seem fine with him. We're concerned he won't approve as he begins to read the charges for DVDs, books, and music, though. "The charges are all related to your daughters," we tell him. Although he looks concerned, he seems to understand the connection as he nods his approval.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 18, 2009; Montecito, CA; Age 56

I am being visited by Barack and Michelle Obama in Montecito - they have come to my home. I ask if they plan on seeing Oprah while they are here and they say they will and I point my hand in the direction of her home from where I live. I am feeling very supported, heard, and respected by both Barack and Michelle - there is no separation between their level of caring, respect, and interest in what I have to say. We are talking about the world and the economy and what it is they I can be doing to help make a difference. I tell them that they inspire me to get out in the world. I feel very happy being with them and know they are the right people to be leading us ahead.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 7, 2009; Cohasset, MA; Age 48

I am in a highly functional, healthy, full-on relationship with Barack Obama. We are both very slim, athletic, energetic, graceful. We work well as a team in our lives-- cooperating in daily tasks in harmony, working for the betterment of the world in our own ways, each fully contributing with balance, tending to the many tasks in store. We are not overwhelmed, just in the present moment with equilibrium. No recipes for burnout here. We are able to keep our wits about us and not get distracted. There is no sex involved overtly, but the feeling is very complete, of heart and mind. The only thing I worry about is "But what about Michelle?" which I ask throughout the dream. I have a vision of her as a little pale. That question never gets answered.

Friday, February 6, 2009

February 6, 2009; Oxnard, CA; age 55

Obama is holding a press conference. He’s wearing a t-shirt and short jogging shorts. People are asking him tough, challenging questions, conveying distrust and doubt about his policies and abilities. He’s answering earnestly, using all his intelligence, soul, and heart.

After the press conference, I’m walking with him and a few other people up a street in Manhattan Beach, CA toward the house I lived in in high school.

I say, “nice shorts,” facetiously, noting to myself that they represent the fashion of the 1980’s.

He says, “Thanks,” with a completely straight face, like he’s setting a new trend.

Then he says of himself, “Boy, the guy is just hanging on by a thread.”

I’m concerned for him. I want to help him out. I think for a moment, then I say, “Even people who are for you want to challenge you right now because they want to see how you’ll deal with the challenge.”

He thinks about this. Then he nods and says, “Thanks. I can see that.”

It’s as though I’ve given him a gift and he’s accepted it.

“Let’s hang out,” he says. “We should get together and hang out.” I can feel him reach out of loneliness for friendship.

As we continue to walk, I feel gratified that I was able to help him and pleased that he wants to spend time with me. ~ end of dream

February 3, 2009; Tuscon, AZ; age 54

Barack, Michele and their daughters are visiting Tucson. They are staying at a resort I know well. My cousin who has the same name as I, is with me. Barack is at a table, in a suit and tie, doing meet and greets. There are only three people left in line, so I get in line and meet him. [It is like his book signing I saw on CSPAN, not like his political rallies.]He has a very nice, quiet, calm energy. I offer to babysit his two daughters so he and Michele can go out. I call my other cousin over so he can take a picture of the two of us with the same name. We laugh. Michele is off to the side by herself in a black dress, and seems a little lonely at first. I reassure her that she will like Tucson. ~ end of dream

The energy of the dream was so natural and relaxed and personal. There was no security around. It was as if we were old friends reuniting. It felt very real.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

January 21, 2009; Sag Harbor, NY; age 55

I am in the White House with my friend. We are now working as Obama's senior staff, wearing very smart-looking, tailored navy blue suits. We are hanging out in the Oval Office with Obama as he stands behind his desk going over his 'short list' of Chief of Staff candidates. The list is on a clip board and I walk over to take a peek at it. Obama doesn't mind. He's amused. I'm amazed. I'm on the list! Now Obama looks at us and says: "We have to talk about structuring work shifts for the staff. What will everyone's hours be? 9-5? 10-6?" "Why don't we just let people work until they get tired," I suggest. "That's what we did for the campaign and it went so well!" ~ end of dream

November 2, 2008; Orcas Island, WA; age 77

Obama is meeting with reporters and making a public announcement that on the Saturday after the Inauguration, one member of every household in the nation can go to a Sherwin-Williams paint store to pick out a gallon of paint in whatever color they might choose. It is made clear that Sherwin-Williams is a black-owned company [in the dream]. Obama goes on to say that, tho this is a very small gesture, it symbolizes his intention to have the financial stimulus reach directly to every ordinary citizen and that he imagines that for many poor families this might be the first time ever they would have a freshly painted room, painted in their own very favorite color. ~ end of dream

I had this dream the weekend before the inauguration - the night after seeing a clip of Obama stopping by briefly to help paint a house. It was kind of a funny clip actually - with suited secret service men in the background doing nothing, certainly not themselves picking up a paintbrush! The dream was so vivid that I woke in the night, thinking I'd just been remembering something I had actually heard on the News Hour!

Friday, January 30, 2009

January 16, 2009; Rochester, NY; age 67

dream is a single image:

A brown shoe with slanted stripes on the side in electric blue with spangles, or stars. ~ end of dream

associations: The whole image feels related to Obama. As I sat with the image, the stripes morphed into "stars and stripes" as a flag waving shifting to a marching band wearing stars and stripes, red, white and blue colors. The brown shifted into a brown sepia scene of slaves struggling to be free. The brown shoe felt like brown earth, the blue spangles like blue sky.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

November 4, 2008; Studio City, CA; age 82

On Nov. 4, 2008, after a day in which I was concerned about Obama's anti-American and anti-Israel advisors (including Samantha Power, Rev. Wright, and a general), I dreamt:

Obama descends in a large building and then into the Underworld. He retrieves some black women and brings them up. redeemed. ~ end of dream

I awakened thinking that this was symbolic of the redemption of the Dark Feminine, but after the election and especially after the Inauguration, wherein I saw the shining eyes of black women, i realized that this was also literal!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 10, 2009; Santa Monica, CA; age 60

I am part of the Obama entourage/team among a group of people in a reception room at a hotel. I think, if I am part of his team I should have a gun in case I have to protect him. (I have never owned a gun). Since I do not have a gun I take down a carved, wooden drapery rod from the window to use as a club in case anyone tries to harm him. It still has a drape attached. ~ end of dream

Monday, January 19, 2009

November 25, 2008; Navarre, FL; age 52

In a large building with white marble hall, I speak with Obama. He's very centered and calm, interested in what I have to say and interested in me as a person. He wants to collaborate with me. When his wife and daughters come in, he says he really wants them to meet me.

Later, I go on a weekend trip with three other young women. Everything seems to work out so that it's all free-- tickets to special events, good meals, etc. It all feels related to Obama, and I feel connected to his wife and two daughters. ~ end of dream